Friday, September 25, 2009

Back from Trip

I am back with Daddy and Mommy from our India trip.
Thoroughly enjoyed it. The space, the lushy greens, the rooster crows,
the baby cow shit stench, and best of it all, my parents did not freak out when I walked, jumped and fell, getting real mud-up, sweaty. Can you believe me? I laid down on the dusty floor, only short of rolling on it, well if only I know how to.

I love it there.
Mommy did not really like it this time.
Father worked his ass off on getting my stuff rolled out - like my food, the sterisling of my bottles, untensils, feeding, changing me, bathing me, playing with me.
In next update, I will show more photos and tell you one of the few achievements I made while there!

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