I am eating strawberry. Sour.... packed with lotsa anti-oxidants, so said my mom.
Hello Readers,
I am doing a survey.
Do you think my mom is going crazy?
Yes, because she enrolled me into yet another class - English Phonics. Starting next Sat, 10 Oct.
No, because she said she is just doing her best for the first 3-4 years to lay the foundation for me. Afterwhich, she would not go any crazier.
To me, I am just a kid. I learn not from just from the class but
a lot more from the home as I spend my time hanging out with my folks.
They need to listen to the old advice - Parents are the teachers.

Excuse me, cant you see I am watching my fave program? TV programmes for me are very shortlived. a Blink of the eye and it is switched off.

I am 26 mths. old Do I look like a Lion-Trainer in the making?
Other than the classes, I am doing fine.
What's your name? Min Min.
How old are you? I 2.
What's your father's name? Aji.
What's your mother's name? Jayne.
What's Er-Yee's name? Jar-net.
What's jie-jie' name? hmmm..
How are you? I 2. I fine. thank you. bye bye. see lu later.
The past 1 month since Sep, I love to sing along with my parents when I am trying to go to bed for the night. Abc song, 客人来, 三只老虎 (Brother John), 当我们同一起 (when we get together, the merrier we wil be). I really like Brother John because the tigers 真奇怪. Yes, I am proud of my daddy, he knows Mandarin more than I do.
Jay Min