Thursday, May 13, 2010

Little reward for dropping by my blog

This is for my faithful readers. Thank you for dropping by each time. and my apologies for the dissapointment for not updating.

It has been crazy times for my parents since. Mom went into labour to give birth to my handsome lil' brother. Dad has taken up more assignments. and changes at our home front.

So the last couple of months, I monitored my mom's performance to assess her if she's fit to become my blog manager full time, alone. I may drop my father altogether. He has have the time to play with me much let alone the time to manage my blog.
My mom has said I give her much work. I will try harder to be obedient the next time.

I have grow up quite a bit because mom cooks my dinner these days.

BTW, let me introduce you to my brother. His name is Khai Jun.
He's a good boy. I love him.
Jay Min.

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